Eunhee Jung
Dr. Eunhee Jung is the Founder and President of IVECA Center for International Virtual Schooling and CEO of IVECA-KOREA, and sereved as Co-Chair of the NGO Steering Committee for an International Day of Education for Global Citizenship. Her expertise is in using instructional technology and ICT to transform classroom activities towards globally connected teaching and learning, the environment of which is cross-culturally situated to promote interculturally competent global citizens who can contribute to peace and sustainable development.
During her graduate tenure, Dr. Jung developed Intercultural Virtual Exchange of Classroom Activities (IVECA) that allows students in any school levels can study together on subject matters and socialize through the web platform. Her research not only proved the effects of internationalizing school education but also demonstrated 21st-century intercultural teaching and learning models and suggested key factors for practical and sustainable integration of IVECA into diverse education systems.
Since 2009, Dr. Jung has provided consultation for and worked collaboratively with K-12 schools, universities, technology firms, NGOs, and ministries/offices of education in diverse countries including but not exclusively the United States, Canada, South Korea, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, Bhutan, Gambia, Tunisia, China, India, Australia, Oman, Cambodia and Papua New Guinea. As a former elementary educator, she played key roles in multiple model school projects and the School System Automation campaign under the Korea Ministry of Education in late 1990's.
The United States Distance Learning Association recognized her work with the 21st Century Best Practice Award for Excellence in Distance Learning in 2009. She obtained her M.Ed. and Ph.D. in instructional technology from the University of Virginia. She earned her B.Ed. in Elementary Teacher Education with a concentration in Science Education from Seoul National University of Education, Korea.