
9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

We can change the world 
To abolish nuclear weapons and foster global attention to the rule of law, they run an annual poetry contest on visions of peace in three categories: adult, youth 13-18, and age 12 and under. Winners are published in Waging Peace, their quarterly report. On or around Aug. 6th, the anniversary of Hiroshima, they have a commemorative Sadako Peace Day, with music, poetry and reflection at La Casa de Maria Peace Center in Montecito, CA. (See also Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes above.) http://www.wagingpeace.org
The Blue Sweater 
This is a wonderful memoir by the founder of the Acumen Fund, which works to make poor people in Africa and South Asia self-sufficient. Includes a video telling the incredible story that sparked her work of how a sweater she had worn for years was donated to Good Will and how 10 years later she found it on a young boy in Eritrea. There is also a downloadable Teachers Guide to the book on the website
Categories: Poverty Sustainable Development Goals Type: Website Tags Acumen