
What's Next? - Part 2 - Looking Ahead to CTAUN's 2020 Conference - "War No More"

  • Cora Weiss, International Peace Bureau

Cora Weiss is devoted to the ideal of a culture of peace and the idea of peace education. 2020 will be the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which was expressly founded “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”  So CTAUN will be focusing next year’s conference on issues of preventing war and promoting peace.

            Ms. Weiss spoke of 3 major causes of war:

  1. Climate change
  2. Nuclear weapons
  3. Species extinction  (the next Earth Day, April 22nd 2019, has been devoted to protecting our species)

           What does peace look like? What does it mean to our students? “If there will be no tomorrow, why should I go to school?” What is the impact of technology on war, and of gender in creating peace? What have Nobel Laureates to say about it?  There is today, violent conflict in 80 countries. Peace has to be made possible – “War No More –forevermore! “

Many thanks to our team of note takers, Nancy Brown, Peter Brosnan, Percy Mdunge, and Peter Nolis, and to those speakers who shared copies of their remarks  – Anne-Marie Carlson, Eve Gartner, Karenna Gore and Susan Blaustein – with gratitude to Peggy Montgomery for critical support.     TG