
Awards Presentations

  • CTAUN Global Citizen Award
  • CTAUN Excellence in Education Award
  • CTAUN Poster Contest for College Students

Global Citizen Award

            This year’s Global Citizen Award, given in memory of Barbara Walker, one of the founders of CTAUN, was presented to Richard Curtis, screen writer and director, co-founder of the charity Comic Relief, and creator of Project Everyone, whose mission is to accelerate progress towards a fairer world by 2030, to eradicate extreme poverty, address climate change, and make injustice and inequality unacceptable. Mr. Curtis is the United Nations advocate for the SDGs; a key part of his initiative is “The World’s Greatest Lesson,” a program in partnership with UNICEF, designed to introduce the SDGs to children and young people around the world.

            The award was presented by Narin Stassis -Vice-Chair of CTAUN. Mr. Curtis  responded by videotape, with thanks to CTAUN for our work as well.


CTAUN also presented Excellence in Education Awards to educators who have used what they learned from attending a past CTAUN conference, to create classroom units that reflect the values of the United Nations. The winners were introduced by Eileen Venezia.

For the 7th year, awards were also given to Poster Contest winners from colleges and universities whose messages reflected the theme of the current conference – introduced by Thomas Ward, who reminded us that an academic poster is not just a poster – it is the beginning of a trajectory of research. (See the individual awards pages for details)